...conflicted on people's park but reminiscent in so many ways of what happened to the albany bulb so many years back [which glory be told was a major change for the better - no more random needle puncture wounds!]...hate to see communal spaces home to the already diminished and abused dwindle to student housing but understand the university's play and need here...if they people want a park they are just going to have to choose another...

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A banger of a newsletter as always, Sam. I loved this part from the maintenance mindset article,

“Somebody once asked Norman Mailer if he considered himself a professional writer. He said, “Yeah, I can work on a bad day.””

I would like to get to that level where I don’t let a bad day keep me from doing what I want/need to do.

Thanks for sharing! ✌️

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15Author

I absolutely love that, Rizwan. I should have made it the quote of the week!

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