These are great links. I'll listen to the NPR episode on sedentary lives. I encourage you to read "Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do is Healthy and Rewarding" by Daniel Lieberman, an evolutionary biologist. It's fascinating. He challenges the "sitting is the new smoking" belief by looking at how our ancient ancestors actually were quite sedentary, to preserve calories, with short bouts of intense exercise (sort of like dogs who lie around napping most of the day, then do zoomies). Our modern notion of exercise that developed in the 20th century is not something we evolved to do, which is why it's so difficult for so many to work it into their lives. Anyway, interesting stuff!

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Thanks for the recommendation! It is fascinating! So much of our practice of exercise developed in the aftermath of the Enlightenment (new notions of training and disciplining the body), the needs of the modern state (mainly to make subject bodies fit for war), and reactions to industrialization and urbanization. We should probably just go back to doing zoomies in the living room. :)

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I listened to most of that NPR episode. There is some overlap with that book. I think you would find it interesting.

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Loved the videos on Renegade Running and want to support Victor. Let’s go in on Valentines gifts from there for the two adult women in our lives…..

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