I'm so pleased that not only did you decide to quit the ultra-marathon, but that you also made the wonderfully upbeat decision to treat yourself to breakfast at a diner, post-decision. Bravo for both making the choice and then not wallowing in it!

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I’m just a sucker for pancakes! 😜

In college racing, we had an expression that you “put a race on a shelf”. If you had a bad race, you put it on the shelf. It was something to learn from, occasionally think about, but not to dwell upon. Assess, learn, move on!

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Sam Robinson

I recently needed to quit a race and get a DNS because of not training enough. I had signed up for the race and kept thinking I had enough time to train as the weeks went by I just was not ready. Up until the night before the race in my mind I thought I should run it, not wanting to quit. I’m glad I didn’t run the race and end up hurting myself or even end up hating running because of a bad experience.

Thanks for the reminder to set aside the ego when needed.

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Great comment, Rizwan. There's always another race!

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